Spring Timetable

Just a very small change to the timetable for May-July. Due to consistently low attendance on the two Friday sessions we have removed them from the timetable until further notice.
Bank Holiday Weekend & Easter Holiday Dates

Bank Holiday Weekend & Easter Holiday Dates

Bank Holiday Weekend We are open as usual on Friday 29th. On Saturday morning (30th Mar) we will have one structured class for 7-11yrs 10.30am-11.30am only. After that there will be no timetabled classes or open sessions for the remainder of the day due to the Easter...

Spring Timetable: 23rd May to 23rd July 2023

From the 23rd May 2023 we will be scheduling classes in accordance with our spring timetable published below. This is an incremental adjustment to the February timetable. Considering that many schools finish by 3pm or 3.30pm we are trailing an earlier start time of...